One of the recent Fashion Statement in the world is the “Contact lens” which is an artificial device whose front surface Substit...


One of the recent Fashion Statement in the world is the “Contact lens” which is an artificial device whose front surface Substitute the anterior surface of the cornea. Also known for its exceptional charming eye look and can be worn for two major purposes;

Cosmetic purposes
Refractive purposes

Both involves maintaining personal hygiene to avoid cases like protozoan infections like Acanthamoeba.  As much contact lenses can be worn for two major purposes, research have proven that the percentage of people that put on contact  lenses for cosmetic purposes is at the increase and also people who wear it for refractive purpose include cosmetic purpose as one of their reason. Some give reasons like “ Spectacles  makes me look unattractive”, others “ ohhh!!! My eyes feels so heavy with a pair of glasses” etc. contact lenses can come in different color depending on your fashion taste and statement but the most common colors include brown, honey brown, sterling grey to mention a few.

       There are different types of contact lenses I bet a lot of people don’t               know about that but do not worry, here is a quick rundown about them;

Hard lenses : they are manufactured from polymethylmetharcylate. which has a high optical quality, light weight, durable and cheap but it also has its disadvantage which is it been practically impermeable to oxygen.
Rigid gas permeable lenses: they are basically hard but due to their oxygen permeability they are regarded as semi-soft lenses. RGP are commonly manufactured as silicone acrylate a copolymer of PMMA and silicone containing vinyl monomer.

Soft lenses: they are the most common and most prescribed in clinical practice. It is made up of Hydroxythylmetharcylate  which makes it the most comfortable.

In as much as we have listed the types and purpose of contact lenses in the fashion world, Contact lenses still have its “DO’S and DON’TS which helps to maintain the natural lens and the artificial lens.


1. Always wash and rinse your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses or touching your eyes. 

2. Clean your lenses after removal as indicated by healthcare practitioner.

3. When handling your lenses, work over a clean flat surface.

4. Make sure the lenses don’t discolor the lens.

5. Make sure you remove frequently especially when it does not involve extended wear.

Since we have been talking about the purpose, types and rules guiding contact lenses, it is advisable you also know the indication and contra indication of contact lenses because it serves as a tool to determine when to wear to contact lenses.
Indication of contact lenses include; 
for preventive cases such as prevention of symblepharon.
it can also serve as operative indication in cases like viterctomy etc.

Some of the contra indication include ;
Mental incompetence
Poor motivation 
Chronic blepharitis and recurrent styes
Corneal dystrophy

 These and more are the indication and contraindication of contact lens wear. It is advisable that before you make use of the contact lens whether for refractive or cosmetic purpose you endeavour to observe the necessary rules and go with the motto “ CONTACT LENS HYGIENE, CATCHY EYES, CHARMING LOOK (C^3)’’.