The word “ Creation ‘’ has become an important part of our existence and can be defined as; construction of ideas or reconstruct...

5 Easy steps to perfect creativity.

The word “Creation‘’ has become an important part of our existence and can be defined as; construction of ideas or reconstruction of old ideas into a modernized one. One can also define it as action of making something new and fresh. Creation always occurs in our daily activities starting from how to create a good decoration, creating a new recipe down to how to create a new style. It's been said "everyone is a creator" one way or the other because the act of creation is now a part and parcel of our daily activities.
 In as much as everyone can be called a creator, there are people who do exceptionally great in creating ideas. To be able to get that kind of perfection in the act of creation whether a contentwriter, fashion writer / designer certain factors should be considered:
1.   Be Observant.
In my opinion, this is very necessary because you can’t be a good creator if you can’t take note of your environment and the activities happening. In terms of fashion, a good fashion designer/stylist should be able to observe new trends and be conversant of environment in the fashion world.
2.    Be a Deep thinker.
This comes immediately after observing, the act of thinking really helps a lot in creativity. It brings you to the world of great ideas. By thinking I don’t actually mean the shallow kind of thoughts, but the ones that triggers you to think like there is no box and turn mere imaginations or ideas into reality. In the fashion world, both stylist, pattern makers, fashion journalist and an illustrator need to be able to see fashion in different perspectives. For a good creativity, whether as a content writer, fashion designer or anything that requires creativity one has to develop the act of thinking. Which brings us to my motto “Talk less, think deep, create more."  It can serve as a guideline.
3.    Read and learn from Previous Ideas/ work of people.
There is a saying no one knows it all, there fore, we actually add to our knowledge by checking and reading people work. Learn to open your heart to more knowledge and ideas for better creativity, as a fashion journalist, it's  advisable to watch fashion shows, read magazines, articles of pervious people because it goes along way in stimulating fashion creativity.
4.    Prepare for a few Failure.
Most people don’t attempt anything because of fear of failure, the word “It wasn’t Successful”is like anallergy to some people that they despise to hear it which gives them little or no courage to attempt. As one in the fashion world you need to be openminded to failure and try to keep on trying till you achieve the necessary result bearing the Saying "NOTHING GOOD THING COMES EASY" at the forefront of your mind. That way, you have to work for it.
5.    Communication skills.
Been able to relate your ideas with others with the similar vision is necessary for a successful creativity both in fashion world and writing.  It opens your mind to other ideas, share ideas, collect and communicate you ideas.
  Creativity is very important in our daily activities because our life rotates in the world of creation so is important to take note of these factors and more factors which wasn’t included in other to perfect our world of creation both in fashion world and any other thing in our environment. Trust me if we put all these on check our daily life will be more comfortable and the fashion world would be full of many unique and colorful patterns.